ketamine-assisted psychotherapy

a place for you to step into new insights, new perspectives, and relief.

i am excited to offer this innovative approach in collaboration with Journey Clinical: ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP). This method uses ketamine to unlock deeper insights, fostering calmness and new perspectives, and is particularly effective for treating depression, anxiety, and PTSD. KAP facilitates profound emotional healing and personal growth in a safe, supportive environment. whether in-person or virtual, clients can explore these enhanced states of awareness, gaining clarity and a renewed sense of hope.

i will guide you through the psychotherapy part, while Journey Clinical handles the medical assessments, eligibility assessments, personalized treatment plans, prescriptions and dosages, and outcome monitoring. below you will find a list of FAQs about KAP.


what is ketamine?

  • ketamine is a legal and safe medicine that has proven to be effective in treating various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. it’s fast-acting antidepressant and mood-enhancing effects can start to take effect within just one to two hours after treatment and can last up to two weeks after a dosing session. ketamine works by blocking old unhelpful synaptic connections and helps the brain form new synaptic connections, which boosts neural circuits responsible for regulating stress and mood. additionally, ketamine has been found to enhance overall neuroplasticity, leading to long-lasting symptom improvement. although ketamine is fast-acting, continued therapy work is essential in prolonging and integrating meaningful change. the sublingual (under the tongue) quickly dissolving tablet form of ketamine will be the type used in our work.

how does it feel?

  • the effects of ketamine, are generally enjoyable for most people and typically last around 45 minutes to an hour. some people do report feeling a brief period of nausea in the beginning. these effects may be experienced as a sense of detachment from the body and allow for shifts in perception that are often expansive in nature. while it may be challenging to articulate the experience, clients often report gaining clear insights from it. according to studies, the mood and neurological benefits of the ketamine experience can last up to two weeks. paired with psychotherapy, these benefits can be life changing for most clients.

what is Journey Clinical?

  • Journey Clinical is a platform for independently licensed psychotherapists to incorporate science-based psycholytic therapies into their practices safely and effectively, starting with Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). Journey Clinical’s in-house medical team takes on patient eligibility, prescriptions and outcome monitoring, while you and i take on the psychotherapy piece. the collaborative care model is designed to deliver personalized treatment plans to meet your individual needs and improve long-term outcomes.

what is the process like to get started?

  1. schedule an initial evaluation with a medical provider from the Journey Clinical medical team via zoom. they will go over your medical and psychiatric history with you, provide education on the treatment and determine if you are eligible for KAP.

  2. if the medical team determines that you are eligible for KAP, they will develop a personalized ketamine prescription and outcome monitoring plan for you.

  3. Journey Clinical’s medical staff will write a ketamine prescription for you, and a small amount of oral ketamine will be sent to your home, enough for the first 2 KAP dosing sessions. you will be taught how to take your vitals and self-administer the ketamine dissolving tablets before beginning dosing sessions.

what are the costs associated with Journey Clinical?

  • first time patients: initial medical consultation: $250

    • medication: $88 (2 sessions worth)

  • ongoing treatment: follow-up medical consultation: $150 (at least 1x per quarter)

    • medication: $148 (6 sessions)

what are the costs associated with dosing sessions and integration sessions?

  • dosing sessions: $275 for a 2-3 hour session. these are paid for out pocket and payment is due at time of service.

  • integration sessions: $125 if paying out of pocket. if i accept your insurance, these will be covered by your insurance depending on your specific plan

what can I expect during a KAP/ “dosing” session?

● a typical ketamine dosing session lasts about 2-3 hours and can take place in person in my office or virtually from the comfort of your own home.

● during a dosing session, you will self-administer your ketamine tablets. you will be in a comfortable, and a reclining position wearing an eye mask (if you choose) and listening to calming music. although a KAP dosing session may be largely an internal experience, i will be present with you the entire time to hold space and provide support as needed.  if you choose to have the session in my office, a chaperone will be needed to drive you to and from your appointment. if you are at home, a chaperone will be needed to help you if you need to get up during the session and to provide periodic brief check-ins.

what happens after a KAP session?

● integration sessions: after our KAP dosing sessions, we will meet for integration sessions to review memories, thoughts & insights that arose during your dosing session, and to prepare for the next dosing session.

● follow-up consultations with Journey Clinical: after our first KAP session, Journey Clinical’s medical team schedules regular follow-ups with you to monitor outcomes and prescribe ketamine tablet refills, as appropriate. the frequency of follow-ups depends on your unique treatment plan—minimum of once per quarter.

i’m interested, how do I sign up?

  • for more information and to begin this process, contact me